





1. 卡池怎么弄?

卡池内容修改我也不会,但是可以修改数据库已拥有的卡池时间,使用Navicat Premium建立MysqL连接,账号密码端口都在桌面版使用说明里面.

数据库路径:34dev-hk4e-config → t_gacha_schedule_config

2. 为什么启动不了?

命令里输入 `sudo lsof -i :3786` 如果出来了 `redis-ser 2115 redis 6u IPv4 54263 0t0 TCP CokeServer:3786 (LISTEN)` 就可以继续输入 `ys` 启动服务端了,如果没有就输入 `sudo systemctl stop redis` 然后输入 `sudo systemctl start redis`.

3. 圣遗物怎么添加?

打开GM工具,点击其他,使用自定义指令发送,比如苍白之火的超越之盏 `item add 92514 1`,1是添加数量,92514是超越之盏ID,至于其他圣遗物ID请使用[这个工具]https://github.com/jie65535/GrasscutterCommandGenerator查看。

4. 圣遗物词条修改

修改 `/genshin/srv/data/txt` 目录下的 `ReliquaryAffixData.txt`,具体教程请看[这里](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/810646674766561304)。


ReliquaryAffixData.txt (11 K) 下载次数:8

5. 意外之客任务前置做完了还是提示需要完成前置任务

需要添加活动,还是一样使用Navicat Premium建立MysqL连接在34dev-hk4e-config里的t_activity_schedule_config下,点击下面加号可以添加数据。添加危疑迷途活动ID2013001,在填写时间就行。因为我已经过完了这段剧情,活动时间我就改掉了.


解决办法是等散兵传送后使用GM工具的传送功能。X50 Y10 Z0 这样就可以穿越屏障继续跟着散兵触发下一阶段了,然后等散兵准备进树跑路时,切换到GM工具的任务那,302922:夜中飞鸟坠于三段-寻找散兵 点击完成这个任务。这样退出世界树后就不会在重复任务了

5001001 Elemental Crucible
5002001 Test Run
5003001 Marvelous Merchandise
2001001 Unreconciled Stars
5004001 Astrolabos Chapter
5005001 Elemental Crucible
5006001 While It's Warm
5007001 Gliding Challenge
3001001 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon
5008001 Pristina Nola Chapter
5009001 Historia Antiqua Chapter
5010001 Monoceros Caeli Chapter
5011001 Lost Riches
5012001 Marvelous Merchandise
5014001 Hypostatic Symphony
5015001 Sinae Unicornis Chapter
5016001 Five Flushes of Fortune
5017001 Vishaps and Where to Find Them
2002001 Lantern Rite
6002001 Even Mountains Tremble
6003001 Outland Gastronomy
5018001 Papilio Charontis Chapter
5019001 Contending Tides
2003001 Windblume Festival
5020001 Wishful Drops
5021001 Hangout Event
2004001 Energy Amplifier
5022001 Battlefront: Misty Dungeon
5023001 Windtrace
5024001 Mimi Tomo
5025001 Historia Antiqua Chapter
5026001 Chilled to the Bone
5027001 A Teapot to Call Home
2005001 Midsummer Island Adventure
5028001 Hangout Event
5029001 Aphros Delos Chapter
5030001 Never-Ending Battle
5031001 Legend of the Vagabond Sword
5032001 Kaboomball Kombat
5033001 Echoing Tales
6005001 Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves
6006001 Machine Battlefront
5034001 Phantom Flow
5035001 Lost Riches
2006001 Thunder Sojourn
5036001 Bellowing Blaze
5037001 Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Wonders
5038001 Carassius Auratus Chapter
5039001 Grus Nivis Chapter
5040001 Hyakunin Ikki
5041001 Lunar Realm
2007001 Moonlight Merriment
5042001 Mendacious Waves
5043001 Distant Storm
5044001 Spectral Secrets
5045001 Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter
5046001 Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter
5047001 Dreams of Bloom
5048001 Hangout Event
2008001 Labyrinth Warriors
5049001 Shadow of the Ancients
5050001 Tuned to the World's Sounds
2009001 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms
5051001 Bantan Sango Case Files: The Warrior Dog
5052001 Exploding Population
5053001 Energy Amplifier
5054001 Misty Dungeon: Realm of Light
2010001 Fleeting Colors in Flight
5055001 Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas"
5056001 Hangout Event
5057001 Hangout Event
5058001 A Study in Potions
5059001 Taurus Iracundus Chapter
5060001 Beastly Rift
5061001 With Sleet and Storm
2011001 Three Realms Gateway Offering
5062001 Of Drink A-Dreaming
5063001 The Crane Returns on the Wind
5064001 Enkanomiya
5065001 Divine Ingenuity
5066001 Spices From the West
5067001 Vibro-Crystal Research
2012001 Hues of the Violet Garden
5068001 Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens
5069001 Divina Vulpes Chapter
5070001 Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter
5071001 Chasmic Serpent
5072001 The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival
5073001 Hangout Event
5074001 Hangout Event
5075001 The Chasm
5076001 Hyakunin Ikki
5077001 Requiem of the Echoing Depths
5078001 Cypressus Custos Chapter
5079001 A Muddy Bizarre Adventure
5080001 Core of the Apparatus
2013001 Perilous Trail
5081001 Umbrabilis Orchis Chapter
2014001 Summertime Odyssey
5082001 Evermotion Mechanical Painting
5083001 Reminiscent Regimen
5084001 Resonating Visions
5085001 Hidden Strife
5086001 Murkwood Fungal Raptor
5087001 Tablet Analytics
2015001 Graven Innocence
5088001 Acer Palmatum Chapter
5089001 Rumbleflower
5090001 Fayz Trials
5091001 Lost Riches
5092001 Vulpes Zerda Chapter
5093001 Dharma Forest
2016001 Of Ballads and Brews
5094001 Hyakunin Ikki
5095001 Wind Chaser
5096001 Star-Seeker's Sojourn
2017001 Fabulous Fungus Frenzy
5100001 Lupus Aureus Chapter
5101001 Lotos Somno Chapter
5102001 Searing Dreams in the Sea of Sand
5103001 Perpetual Motion Dragon
5104001 Matrix of Overseer Network
5105001 Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
5106001 The Verdant Takeover
5107001 Hypostatic Symphony: Dissonant Verse
5108001 Outside the Canvas, Inside the Lens: Greenery Chapter
5109001 Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises
5110001 Battlefield of Dice, Cats, and Cards
5111001 Windtrace
5112001 Across the Wilderness
5113001 Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter
5114001 Misty Dungeon: Realm of Sand
2018001 Akitsu Kimodameshi
5015001 Inversion of Genesis




















回 8楼(123) 的帖子

是的 我也试了很多次 没成功 还是用桌面版吧